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I do not want finances to be a burden. If you aren’t comfortably able to subscribe, let me know! I can waive Substack’s fee.

⚙️ How does supporting Paws and Reflect work?

Many blogs on Paws and Reflect are free—along with every single one of our (often lengthy) Instagram posts—but I also write pieces only supporters can view.

Pay monthly or yearly

I’ve set our subscription fees to Substack’s minimum amounts.

Request a free supporter account

If finances ever become a problem, get in touch. It’s important to me that everyone who wants to read our content has the opportunity. (I mean this. Do not hesitate to reach out for a complimentary account. Please email me!)

Sean, Scout, and Haley sit on the step of their converted camper van's open sliding door

💭 Why have a supporter section?

I wrestled with the idea of creating some sort of paywall on Paws and Reflect. Who am I to sell anything? It feels like a gift that someone would simply read something I’ve written, let alone pay me to be able to read it.

But the truth is I put a lot of time and energy into this blog. Adding a supporter option seemed like a reasonable way to work through the associated costs.

Then—as I became increasingly passionate about connecting with fellow dog lovers—I made the decision to leave my agency job in December 2021 to take animal-related writing full time. Your support now means more than ever!

Some posts explaining our “why”

The below Instagram post and this blog dive deeper into my thoughts about sharing, especially when it comes to dog stuff (and I’m “just” a pet owner).

As always, I am here for any questions. Now go play with your dog if you’re able!